Sunday, November 20, 2011

Middle Management

How is training going? I feel so much better.

Today I was able to run for 1:49:23 and completed 8.84 miles. I took a route around my neighborhood, running part of it with Lan. Lan ran 3.81 miles and I went 8.84. The temperature outside was about 37* but there was no wind or rain so it was actually pleasant and for once I was dressed for it. When I first went outside it was still only 28*.

I have that nice black thick winter jersey I got in France, its absolutely perfect. Wore my yellow jacket without the sleeves so I was nice and bright and could be seen. That was good since I was out till dusk and had to run about a mile after I should have been home. I need to remember that it gets dark at 4:30 now and plan accordingly.

I've been on antibiotics for 2 weeks and they are finally working but I can feel its still in my head. I just hope this stuff works and gets it all & I don't have to go back to the doctor again. Sinus infections suck.

The poor horses had to endure temps in the 20's last night. Lan and I took them extra hay at 10pm, brought Bunny Foo Foo

into the barn and covered her cage with horse blankets to help her stay warm. All the horses had blankets on.  I put a heat lamp in the hen house and shut their door.

This evening I did 'Middle Management', an Abs video workout that Ryan made. Its hard but I can do most of it and some I even have nice form. Some of the things are still difficult for me, like being in plank position and lifting my legs up & out to the sides, 20 on each side. Lucky me, I get to do it in High and Low plank. Or running in plank position without putting my butt up.

Tomorrow I have to run a 5k as fast as I can, goal time is 30 minutes. Its going to be hard but maybe if I can find a flat place to do it in??  I hope the weather holds out for me to do this and I don't end up running in the rain, because I won't. I'd have to go indoors or onto the dreadmill. Ugh. Then a swim lesson with Ryan in the evening. I'll miss the Masters class all week due to working on Wednesday.

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