Thursday, November 17, 2011

How long have I been sick anyway?

How is training going? So-so.

This morning I used Afrin nasal spray for the first time, before I went to my spin/core class. Big mistake. It causes elevated heart rate so I felt like passing out on the bike and during the core workout. Almost left the class.

After I got home I went back to bed for 4 hours. That was a much needed nap since the medications have been causing insomnia. Before last night & today I had maybe gotten 20 hours sleep in the last 5 nights. Not enough for me at all and with all my exercising I've been exhausted.

But I think the drugs are working because I am feeling better in my head. I'll finish the drugs and see how I feel then.

I was reading online about the IM CDA cut off times & here they are:

What are the courses cut off times?SWIM: The swim course will close 2 hours, 20 minutes after the official start of the age-group field. (9:20am)

BIKE: 10 hours, 30 minutes after the official start. (5:30pm)

RUN: 17 hours after the official start. (6 hours 30 minutes after the bike cut off)

FINISH LINE CUT OFF: 17hrs (or 12 midnight)

I know I'll be struggling in the water and hope to hell I do OK on the bike. The run will be mostly a walk but I'll give it my damnedest to finish on time and to actually run it.

As I was feeding horses this morning I saw that Wifi had knocked down more fence, this time 3 sections. brat. I put her into The Pies stall and locked him in hers so he wouldn't get out.

She proceeded to just push her way out through his fence and go back into the barn to eat hay in the cart. I knew something was wrong in the barn when Hagen came slinking out of the barn with her tail tucked between her legs.  She broke a total of 7 fence insulators.

This is partly my own fault, Joey had knocked part of his fence down the other day & I unplugged it, so it wasn't shocking her. I need to go to Cenex and get more insulators, the good expensive ones. I wanna shock her ass bad to make her stop fucking with the fence.

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