Sunday, November 27, 2011

When friends race

How is training going? OK.

Today my friend, Steve, raced in the Seattle marathon. See him in the photo?

This was at the 5.3 mile marker along Lakeside Blvd or something like that, in Leschi Park down by Lake Washington.

 This was Steves second Seattle marathon and his finish time today was 2:03, a PR.

While we were on our way to the finish line we ran into Terry, a Sister TriBabe. Shes looking good!!

Elvis raced, he was right up at the front of the runners.

Look, here's Steve getting his medal from another friend, Sarah. Cool that she gave it too him.

He was trying for sub 2 hours but his garmin stopped working when he ran under a tunnel and he didn't know it, so he thought he was going faster.

  Oh well, he still did great and we're all proud of him.

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