I have a part time job that I enjoy a lot, only a couple days per week, not too far from home, easy as pie, pays very well and I could take a nap if I wanted to, right in the middle of the day. I leave too early in the morning and can not be late getting there because items need to be transported to other places. Before I leave my home I have to feed & water horses, dogs, chickens, cats and hope there is time for me to eat. It takes about 15 minutes for me to get to work. But I can't find time to exercise on the days I work. At 11am I leave and go pick up an item and bring it back to work, then its lunch time, a few minutes to relax & then a couple hours of quiet time. I usually clean up my work area and do any reading I might have. At about 3:54 each day another employee shows up and I have to get her up to speed before the boss shows up & then its time to go home.

When all the stalls are clean and the horses fed I come into the house, fix some dinner and get online. Tonight I have my favorite TV show to watch, (Survivor) and then I'll head to bed.
This makes for a day without any exercise at all and I'll need to make it up tomorrow. I've really been slacking in the last few months and its hard to get back in to it.I did check in to the prices for a training plan for a half marathon online and its only $29 so I'm going to show Lan. I want to run in a half marathon in April and this is the time to get my butt in gear, no one is going to do it for me.
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