Friday, December 17, 2010

The barn needs repairs

Our barn is flooding or actually, the gutters are flooding. They aren't full of leaves and the down spouts are OK but the drain field is ruined. It used to drain out underneath the arena but the pipes got crushed when Lan was doing barn work 3 years ago and since then they filled with dirt. Today he rented an excavator and dug it all up and tonight we're going to go to Lowe's and purchase enough pipe to get it fixed. There is also a toilet & wash rack that we are concerned about. We don't know what hooks up to what or where and its looking like the (probably illegal) septic tank is over full.

So the arena is out of use for a while and the pasture is saturated so there is NO turnout for horses. Dire situation, The Pie needs to get out, Wifi needs to be out, all of them need to get out and stretch their legs. Today was a nice sunny day for the first time in ages and they had to stay in their runs.
I have been working all week and haven't had to time for any exercise at all besides cleaning in the barn and tonight I was bringing in firewood and suddenly my hips started hurting intensely. It feels like its twisted in the back but not in the front, different from any pain I've experienced in so long. Seems like I need to go swimming.

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