Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I got a free marathon training plan

 On FaceBook, just offered FREE training plans for marathons so I went ahead and signed up for one. I paid for a half marathon plan so what I did was add this on to the end of my first plan. Now, if I continue after the half, I will be ready for a marathon on August 1st. We'll see how the training goes for the half before I totally commit to the full marathon but I'd love to put a 26.2 sticker on the window of our new car. I already promised myself that I get a 13.1 the day I finish the half, May 1st.
 I met Lan for a spin class at the Y this morning. I need to have the handles up higher, my hands are starting to hurt and a little early damage takes weeks to recover from. Ouch. I should really be wearing gloves too.
 With the horses today I only did one thing, when Wifi did her little rearing thing on the way out to the arena I whacked her on her front legs with the whip. I hate doing that but shes got to learn I won't be nice about her rudeness.

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