Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Spin in the morning, arena at night

I met Lan at the YMCA in Gig Harbor this morning for the 8:30 spin class. He wasn't expecting me so he was surprised and I made him smile. The class was lead by Jody and every so often she would ask trivia questions about Christmas; finish the second verse of The Night Before Christmas or what line comes next in a certain song? I got two right & got a prize, I knew Bethlehem was where Jesus was born. I also knew the 3 items the wise men brought to the stable, Gold, Myrrh and I said Incense but it was Frankincense. My prize was a $5 gift card to Starbucks, yay. I don't drink coffee but Lan does so I gave it to him.
The class was a hard one, Jody kicked my ass. I should have gotten up a few minutes earlier and eaten breakfast but I barely got dressed, got the horses fed and had 5 minutes to get ready once I was at the Y. 5 minutes to get out of my street clothes, up to the room and get my bike all set up & adjusted to me.
Lan and I always 'ride' beside each other and this morning he had positioned his bike behind one of the girls who would fall off a real bike in the real world. She was bopping all over the place. She did have a nice killer body but she was ugly. Its OK, shes not going to read this. But she was ugly and her kick ass body made me want to ride in every spin class they offer. After I eat breakfast.

In the evening after we had spent many hours Christmas shopping and were finally home, Lan went out to the arena to fill in the holes. He got it done and I had approximately 10 minutes to let The Pie and Wifi run around in it together before it started getting dark. I had C help me clean a couple stalls, then we put her mare and Handy out together too so they could stretch their legs. Its been about 2 weeks since any of the horses could go out due to weather and then the drain fields needing repair. Handy has bad diarrhea from lack of exercise and Wifi was just plain going nuts due to the confinement.
Tomorrow in the morning I'm going to turn my girls out, they can eat breakfast out there then Joey and Handy can go out. Maybe I'll put handy out with The Pie and see how they get along and hope its better than Wifi did with him. She was scared to death.

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