Sunday, December 5, 2010

A blog about training for triathlons and riding horses

Today is Sunday, December 5, 2010. My name is Denise and I'll be your hostess for the duration.
This blog is going to be all about being a triathlete and riding horses, trying to balance workouts and training for me, work and riding for the horses and also caring for the beasties too. I'm sure I'll throw more than that at you too but lets go one step at a time.
I became a triathlete 2 years ago when my husband, Lan, saved a newspaper article featuring the KITSAP TRIBABES in it but I didn't even see it, just crumpled it up & started a fire. About a week later I saw a story in the paper about Lance Armstrong and I put it in Lans car for him to enjoy during his lunch break at work. Lucky for me, Lan remembered the name of the triathlon group and I was able to find more info online. I contacted Lisa Ballou and the next spring I became a member.
I've completed 8 (I think) sprint triathlons since then and Lan has been my biggest supporter at every one. I've made some really nice friends, Linda being my best tri friend. I go to organized group swims every Tuesday evening at Wildcat Lake and a BRICK (Bike Ride ICK) every Saturday during the summers and grab a few bike rides, runs and swims other times during the week. Lan, Linda, Christine are all good for a good ride and Lan like mountain biking too.
As for horseback riding I have 4 horses, Joey, Sunshower, Wifi & The Pie.
<-Joey is 14, a Thoroughbred gelding I've had since before he was foaled. He is 16 hands, chestnut and when he is being worked he is the happiest horse ever. If hes not getting worked regularly he is ornery and stubborn. Joey likes to run and jump things and he lives for trail rides.

Sunshower is 9, I got her 3.5 years ago from a feedlot on Yakima, her next stop was dinner plates in Europe. I ride her western, in the arena and on trails and she trusts me enough to go where I ask even if it looks scarey to her. ->

<-Wifi is Sunshowers daughter, foaled here on our farm on March 24, 2008. I didn't know Sunshower was pregnant when she came here to live with us... Wifi is almost 3 and ready to start learning how to carry people this next spring. I don't want to be first on her because I'd be first off too. I'll pay someone else for that privilege.

My newest horse is a pony, The Pie. He is about 15 years old and he is a black and white pinto who is 12.5 hands. He doesn't actually live here on our farm yet, he will be coming in 8 days. I will pick him up and bring him home when I am hauling other horses out to Yelm to get their dental work done.

<- The Pie.

No, I don't have enough time for 4 horses, not for 3 and certainly not for 2. So I have people who help me; ride the horses and clean and/or feed. It works out well so far and I can tell you about those wonderful people in a future blog.
Today Lan and I will be taking a Mountain Bike Riding Workshop with Lisa Ballou of the Kitsap Tribabes. Lan is already one of the best mountain bike riders I know and he has taught me a lot but you can never have too much information. Plus its free and I haven't ridden my mountain bike in a long time. I hope I can ride better than some of the other people who might be there. I love riding my mtn bike and have enjoyed many, many rides with Lan all over the western United States. Its hard going up but the reward coming down is all worth it and I have to tell myself that every time I'm going uphill.
We have to be there in 3 hours but on the way there we need to stop at someones house for coffee cans for a horsey project. After the workshop we'll stop again, at Lowes, for more project supplies. I'm making or attempting to make pole bending poles for using in my arena. The arena isn't actually big enough to do pole bending but what the heck, I can still use the poles and give the horses something to do besides walk in circles. The coffee cans will be filled with sand and 8 ft tall PVC poles will be stuck inside the sand standing I hope straight up; placed 21 feet apart in a straight line and there ya go, a pole bending course. You ride your horse straight up alongside the poles from one end to the other, turn and weave .~.~.~ through them all the way back, turn and .~.~.~ again till the end then run straight alongside back to the starting/finishing line. Its a times event and I'll always be slow but its fun. I would eventually like to get 3 barrels too so I can teach my horses to barrel race.

Oh yeah, before I forget, on my farm I also have my almost 31 year old son, Brandan, who is disabled; I have 2 English Mastiffs, Hagen & Tank and 1 beagle/jack russell named John Henry. There are also 4 cats, Hadrian, Adrien, Bandit & Dave. and a dozen chickens and 1 rabbit, Bunny Foo Foo.

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