Friday, December 24, 2010

To busy to exercise

I was so busy the last few days that I couldn't exercise and I'm feeling depressed. I did, however, have enough time to bake, bake, bake and am going to have to do 53 more spin classes to get rid of my additional fat!
Here is a picture of  Sunshower in her Santa hat: All of the horses got to take turns wearing it so there will be photos of all of them next year for Christmas cards.
Most of them did not enjoy the wearing of the hat but Handy didn't seem to mind too much. Joey and The Pie would rather run away than wear it while Wifi and Patti only wanted the cookies. Speaking of cookies, I made horse shaped sugar cookies and put brown icing of them for the boarders. I ate a few and they are yummy!
Tomorrow is Christmas Day so
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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