Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bike Store Auction

How is training going? Good.

Today there was a bike store being auctioned off, or at least the inventory or most of the inventory. They had posted photos online of what was supposed to be sold but when we went to see the items at the sale location, just down the road from here, there was about 1/3 less stuff than in the photos. Oh well, not our problem.

Lan spent about $500 total and got a LOT of stuff. He got a lot of shifter cables that he wants to sell on eBay but we've got to figure out how much shipping would be. He also got 4 NICE rims and a bunch of energy gels and stuff like that; shammy butter, chain lube, patch kits. A couple of shifting thingies and some other boxes of things. Hes happy.

Last night Lan and I participated in the first Friday Triday at Bremerton YMCA where we all did a mini tri. 15 minute swim (I did about 1/4 mile), 30 minutes spin (12 miles) and a 15 minute run (about 1 mile). It was fun and very low keyed, I think there were 11 of us all together. They plan on doing this more often so its something to look forward to.

Linda has strep throat and she sounds like shes got a mechanical voice box thing. Not good. I better not get sick. I spent the last few days with her before she knew she was sick.

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