Thursday, April 19, 2012

NEw Equipment

How is training going? Very good on the bike and in the pool.

I received my new cycling jersey today from, The Amazing Race jersey I ordered last week.

These are the ones the contestants were all wearing on the opening show of this season when they were riding thru the wine areas of California. I said then I WANT ONE AND I'LL GET IT AS SOON AS THEY COME UP FOR SALE. 

Well, I got it and LOVE it. Except I ordered a medium and need a large. I barely need a large but its a little tight in the arms and shoulders so I've got to send it back for a return. Sigh. I love the shirt.

Its got a zipper all the way down the front and its soft techy material, items I like a lot.

Right now its all packaged up and ready to go back to the post office.

In other news, I swam last night but wasn't feeling very good. I had worked 10 hours starting at 6:45 but had been up since 5am and by 6:30pm when I got into the pool I was just beat. Lasted 1 terrible hour & then left. Got 16 laps in, only 16.

There was a slow old lady, just beginning to learn to swim, taking up the whole lane. She didn't understand staying on one side of the lane and allowing people to pass you. Frustrating.

Good news: I signed up for another half marathon, the Amica Seattle Half marathon on November 25th. Sunday after Thanksgiving.

More good news: I'm in the lead for 1st place for the West Side mtn Bike Series this year, on April 29th if I don't have to work Lan and I will go race again and I'll win another medal and swag. it will be my first swag. IF I don't have to work.

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