Monday, April 2, 2012

We beat her

How is training going? GREAT.

Last Friday Linda and I did our practice Half Ironman so that we could see if we were even close to how well trained Barbara is. Barbara did Galveston Half Ironman on Sunday, she finished in 7 hours 44 minutes. Linda and I did ours in a pool, on spin bikes and walking on the road/running on a treadmill and we completed ours in 9 hours. But we took hour long breaks at transition.


 We have both been stressing out over it since Barb is a dentist who has Ryan as a personal trainer (yes, my old Ryan.) Linda does most of her workouts at Olympic Gym in Port Orchard and you know all about mine. Barb does hers at Olympic too but shes got all sorts of advantages, like shes rich, she picks her own work days, she can pay for the best.

But obviously Linda and I are doing OK since our time was better than hers. Yes, we had rest periods, yes, we were at 'home', yes, we had cool/cold weather and she was in the heat. But we beat her.  Barb made the choice to go to Galveston. Linda and I made the choice to see if we could at least finish a half and now we know we can.

Plus, neither of us had any problems afterward, only a bit of soreness that day & the next, not major soreness at all. Today we both feel great. I haven't had a workout since then but I'm going to boot camp, spin & core tomorrow. I'm now excited to move on and step it up some more.

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