Sunday, April 15, 2012

Daffodil 60 Mile Ride

How is training going? Pretty good.

Today Lan, me & Linda went out to Orting to ride in the Daffodil Ride. This is the 37th year and my 3rd time. I did the very first one and two years ago Lan & I did 40 miles.

Today is actually my longest ride ever.

Whats wrong with this picture?

OH SHIT, my bike fell. No injuries, luckily.

When we did the 40 miles it was a different route and we did it in exactly 4 hours. Today is the same one I originally did and today we did it in 5 hours 30 minutes. Lan and I could have done it a LOT faster with out Linda because for the first 40 miles she wouldn't get out of her fucking granny gear no matter if we were going up hill or down hill. So we had to keep waiting for her sorry ass at every corner.

Then when we got to Cemetery Hill, just a couple miles from the end, that stupid bitch went down the hill in front of me then a fucked up Subaru driver got behind her and they were only going 26 MPH. I had to fucking slam on my brakes, sit up and wait for them to get out of the way. I was fucking pissed off. Stupid bitches.

Linda is NEVER going to finish the bike leg of CDA if she doesn't get off the god damn brakes. And I had been thinking maybe I'd ride with her since shes always been faster up hills than me on the bike but shes not any longer. She only beat me up 2 hills. If she catches me on the marathon then we can finish together but I'm not going to slow my bike for her.

Yes, I did enjoy myself and I didn't let Linda know I was pissed off at her. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect temperatures, I was with Lan and I got a lot of miles in.

Will I ride with Linda again? Yes but not for a while and then only on easy rides. I'm not going to waste a good training ride waiting for her again.

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