Monday, April 23, 2012

Walking on water

How is training going? Very Good.

Today Linda and I walked 11.37 miles.  From her house at 10am, we headed out to Manchester, along Beach Drive toward Port Orchard. We had a goal, to walk as fast as we could in 1.5 hours & then turn around.

We completed our walk in just under 3 hours and both of us felt good and not too tired. On the way back we wanted to pick up the pace as our average was only about 16.50 so we jogged a bit a few times and that really helped. We ended up with an average mile pace of 15.39 or something like that.

Along the way we saw witnessed a falcon murdering a small bird. As we walked along I noticed feathers falling out of the sky, then more, then clumps of feathers. Looking up, there in a tree was a dove size bird plucking another bird for all it was worth. Weird.

A couple miles farther along we saw a young buck deer eating bushes in a yard. As we passed him we noticed that his tongue was sticking out. More weirdness.

At the pier shown above is a porta potty and its a good thing we had tissues.

On Lindas GPS you can see our route, including walking out onto this pier. Looks like we were walking on water.

The weather was a perfect 70*, the sun was shining and we had all that time to gossip, brag and high five each other for all the fun stuff we're doing together.

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