Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hills on Bikes

How is training going? Good today.

The weather has been perfect for training all weekend, in the low 70's for the first time all year. maybe since 2 years ago. Seriously, we've had 2 crappy summers so its high time we have a nice one. I'm betting its going to be in the 90's for Coeur d'Alene and that will suck. So just in case, I'm trying to work out during the warmer parts of the days.

Today we went 18.5 miles on HILLS. Down Mullenix to Olalla Valley, then into Olalla & we got to go UP Burley Olalla hill where Lan rode behind me, coaching me on my cadence, speed and gearing. Then we rode down the steep hill under the freeway over to Bethel Burley & up to Port Orchard, over on Converse & to Phillips, down  and up those hills and back home. It was a fast ride because he pushed me to go faster and he was teaching me how  to do it, when to shift, which gear to use. God, I love my husband.

I had workout plans for yesterday but called in for a 10 hour shift 6:50am-4:50pm. I missed the Southworth boat by 10 minutes so Lan came & picked me up. We went to Ivars for dinner & Lan tried to go to a couple bike shops but they were closed.

Here is an interesting customer we had on the dock:

She had fishnet stockings on... Jim had a hard time not staring. Lisa and I thought it was down right funny to watch him not watching her.

This morning I rode the scooter down to Southworth dock to retrieve the blue truck, which we had left overnight. I needed to know how long it would take me to ride it there so when I ride it for work I won't be late & miss the boat. It only took 20 minutes, usually it takes 15 in the car. So I'll only have to leave a few minutes earlier now.

Today we were supposed to go for a 70 mile bike ride but we were waiting all day for a guy to show up who wanted to look at our truck & he didn't get here until 6pm. So the day was mostly shot. But he bought the truck and I now have a bigger chunk of change for my Ironman spending. It was also nice that we had the truck for 10 years and sold it for more than we paid for it and it needs a lot of work. The battery is DEAD, the front bumper is bent a little but Lan gave him a new grill and the guy has another bumper. Its going to need a little exhaust work, like a new cateletic converter. but mostly the engine  and tranny are still running strong and I think they guy is excited to get the truck.

Because we had to wait for the guy, Lan had time to work on the Miata. This poor car has been sitting for 3 years and it was a cheaper fix than he thought and only took the 1 day to do. So to celebrate the car running we went to DQ and had blizzards.

And I had time to bathe Joey and Sunshower too. Poor Joe, he was out in the pasture and when I went out to get him he was covered in flies. That's so unusual, he was miserable. So I groomed him & put fly spray on & then put him into the arena for a while.

Here he is, just got done rolling & is shaking the dust off. He looks like pigpen here. Floppy ears, lol.

Sunshower and Wifi were out in the arena for the morning and they had no flies on them so it was weird. When they came out of the arena I put them out in the field Joey had been in and Wifi was covered with flies when I brought her in later. Wonder whats up with that?? I'm going to need fly predators soon.

Wifi is so pretty but her white coat is shedding and shes going to be a darker gray this summer.

Sunshower is pretty pretty too.

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