Thursday, May 3, 2012

Feeling stronger

How is training going? I'm feeling stronger.

Training isn't coming along as much as I need, work is still getting in the way and the weather isn't cooperating but I am feeling stronger and looking better all the time.

I have been wanting to go ride my bike but either don't have enough time before or after work (I don't ride in the dark or during rain for safety reasons). I've had several mid day short shifts, 4-5 hours but since it takes 1.5 hours to get there and at least an hour to get home it takes up a huge chunk of the day. I can work out at the gym if I get there at 5:30am but I still need sleep too.

We did have a couple 70* days but now its raining again; yesterday it was warmer but Linda needed to get out of the house and I had a horse blanket to deliver to Delicia for Luke that I had picked up on Vashon Island for her so Linda and I went for a cruise in the Miata instead. Sometimes mental health training is more important than physical training.

But I am feeling stronger all over. My body is stronger than it ever has been before in my life. I'm able to do a workout and feel fresh and ready to keep going at the end of an hour. A year ago an hour killed me. My arms are looking sexy and I'm sporting nice BIG muscles now. I had to return my Amazing Race jersey because my arms have too much muscle for the sleeves.  I was looking in the mirror in the bathroom and I'm even starting to see a little definition in my abs (under the fat) but there.

Big news:
I had to buy new jeans, size 6! Its been quite a while since I could fit into jeans that small and they not only fit well but look great. I don't have a big roll of fat bulging over the top either. 

Two years ago I was getting ready for the Elma Memorial Day Triathlon and Lan took a photo of me from behind. I didn't think much of it until a while ago, I WAS FAT. I am planning on getting another photo in the same clothing doing the same thing and compair sizes this year.

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