Monday, May 7, 2012

Race Report: Tacoma City Half Marathon

How is training going? PR at TCHM.

After having only run maybe 20 miles total since New Years, I not only ran the Tacoma City Half Marathon but got a PR too. My previous best half marathon time was 2:24:58 and yesterday I did it in 2:21:25. Wow, it felt good to know I was doing better and doing it faster, too. So here are the details.

Slept OK Saturday night but kept waking up and looking at the clock. Got up at 4:55, just before the alarm, showered before I woke Lan up. I had everything ready the night before so all I had to do was get dressed, eat and get my stuff into the car. We left home at 6, got the car parked at 6:35. I was ready to just sit and relax for the day but Lan wouldn't let me do that.

Full marathon started at 7am so I got my stuff together and we walked through the Bicentennial Pavilion, used the bathrooms in there on the way to the starting line. I was fully dressed because the outside temp was only 45* with plans to have Lan take them right before race time.

This is the start of the Full Marathon.

Here is me yesterday, just 2 minutes before start. I knew if I started out running with the 2:00 finishers I could fade back to 2:15 or 2:20 and finish with them.  I was ringing my hands to keep them warm, it was chilly and I didn't warm up until half way through the race.

This is me in the same position LAST YEAR. Look how much fat I've lost. Everything about me is smaller, more compact.

This is heading out onto Ruston Way, approximately half way done. I knew at this point I was getting a sore spot on my thigh from the shorts rubbing but it was just starting to rub.

Last year at the same spot. By then I had found a girl to run with, she stayed with me for most of the race but when I had to walk she forged ahead.

My Race-Sherpa. He brought me a protein bar, electrolyte water, love and support and ran with me for a few minutes. Hes so perfect.

And me, taking a self portrait.

Oh yeah, this shirt is brand new, first time I've worn it. Its soft, warm enough, has 4 pockets in back, 1 of which has a zipper. Its long and stayed down, didn't ride up on my belly fat. I love it! I know that is one of the cardinal rules, but this time it worked out.

I didn't see anyone I knew until I got to about mile 9 and I passed Torrey, last year she ran the race this year shes a spectator. I knew I'd be passing her again so on the return trip I handed her my cap because my head was getting too sweaty.

And my finish, look at that smile!  2:21:25. I wanted to PR but without having run much at all I doubted it would happen and I also knew that if it did happen it wouldn't be by much. I was also planning ahead, had to have a time that I could beat again in the future.

The medal on the right is my new one, the medal on the left is from last year and I now have a complete set.

After we got home, Lan and I headed out and rode bikes for 27 miles. My pace was only 11mph but it was OK. Just ok, not great. There were a lot of good hills though so thats my only excuse.

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