Tuesday, May 29, 2012


How is training going? Great.

Today I needed to ride, Lan suggested a 40 miler, maybe a couple during the week. But I didn't want to ride alone so I asked Christine to go with me, more like I bullied her into going with me. I planned a route & headed over to her house, 2 miles / 8 minutes from here.

Shes got a pretty orange Serotta that she just put new tires on, everything matches. Shes even got an orange bandanna for greasy fingers for if you (I) drop your (my) chain.

This is my clean had after I put the chain back on.

And looky here, after Christine and I finished 20/24 miles I was heading home, going up Mullenix and I ran into  this man. Lan, my sweety. Actually he passed me in his work truck and headed up the hill, passed me & turned around at the top. When I got up there he flashed his red emergency lights so I knew it was him. So guess what?? Not only did I get a kiss from my lover but I also got sirens!!

Anyway on our ride I chose a basic circular route but some easy hills and nice corners. Then when we were actually riding those easy hills I realized they were harder hills but I was rocking them.  I was easily able to pass Christine on the uphill, on almost every hill. I'd just stand and pound the pedals and get up. I wasn't breathing hard at the top of every hill either.

Then we got to do fast down the hills and that was enjoyable too.

I know now I'm getting stronger with every ride I do, the more hills, the faster I go.

As long as I can get out of the water at CDA I'll be able to get one of these of my very own... This photo is of Kris Parks, she finished Ironman Coeur d'Alene 2011 and is one of the reasons I am giving it an attempt.

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