Sunday, May 13, 2012

Needing to add miles

How is training going? OK.

Yesterday Lan and I went on a 61 mile bike ride. We had meant to go 80 but ran out of daylight and had to stop & call Linda to come rescue us.

The ride started late, I was working in the barn, Lan was changing tires on our bikes. He put the race wheels on my bike. Here it is with brand new tires on the wheels. He had to change the position of the brakes to fit properly on both bikes and replace 4 tire/wheel sets and change out his brakes too.

The elbow pads on my bike were fine except without any cloth cover they started chaffing so he changed them out for these. Much better now.

He put a 165 crank on my bike to make me more efficient.

These are my new Speedplay pedals & clips, need new shoes to be able to use these.

I really liked the original handlebar tape but it was shite & kinds grimy looking when we bought the bikes. Lan changed it out for this camo stuff. Hard to ride when I cant see where my hands are.

The aero water bottle, love this thing. They come with a sponge, I'm not sure what its for. I wash it by hand or in the dishwasher & never put anything besides plain water in it.

Here are the bottle carriers behind the seat, I'm getting used to pulling them out one by one and drinking.

OK, where were we before I got side tracked? Oh yeah, our ride.

61 miles that was supposed to be at least 80. Went from home to McCormick Woods, to the big round about, out Carney lake/Elgin Clifton, past Rocky Bay. Through Victor, around the water thru Allyn, Grapeview, around Mason Lake, down a blasting fast hill to hwy 3. Then into Belfair where we stopped and called Linda for a ride.
It was 79* at the beginning & felt good for the entire ride, not too hot, not cold at all. I was beat tired by the end of it, don't know if I could have gone all the way home. My sit bones were SCREAMING at me by mile 40 & I was miserable. I'll make sure to NOT wear those shorts for a ride more than 20 miles ever again.
But it was also fun and Lan helped me a lot, coaching, helping with gears and shifting, explaining the road and what was ahead so I was prepared for it.
I can't wait to go on another ride and make it up to at least 80.

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