Thursday, May 24, 2012


How is training going? Very good.

My supervisors at work haven't given me the time off for my race week yet but no matter what I won't be there.  I have over 3 days comp time and more than a week of vacation so they can either give it to me or I just won't be at work if they call.

Today I was on my way to the YMCA to do Torreys class but Linda called & wanted me to ride hills with her so I turned around and went back, got my bike and rode hills. See the hill behind us? This photo doesn't do it justice! I rode up that hill and it was HARD.

See Linda at the bottom waving at you? She didn't ride up. Linda knew better.

We rode over 15 miles and besides going up some good hills I also got my vacation time sheet turned in at Southworth (to be sent over via 1000 Miler envelope to Fauntleroy).

Also saw a fawn being rescued. The poor thing had maybe been hit by a car?? and was down in the ditch so this lady got it out of the ditch. She said she was going to take it inside & put it into her bed to warm it up. Ummmmm....
I hope it doesn't have lice.
Sure is cute though.

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