Monday, June 4, 2012

100 Bike Miles

How is training going? Let taper begin.

Yesterday Lan and I rode 100 miles in the Peninsula Metric Century. They offered 100 miles plus many options for shorter rides, like 100k, 50 miles, etc. I needed to get to the 100 miles mark so that was our only choice.

We started out at the Southworth ferry dock. Linda and Barb were supposed to meet there at 6:45-7:00 so Lan and I got there but I didn't see either of them so we started out at 7:01am. It was chilly so we had on jackets & leg warmers, full finger gloves and booties would have been nice too but we didn't think it was that cold.

Course took us out through Manchester, along Beach Drive, through Port Orchard, up to a fire department on Sedgwick for Rest Stop #1. We were early and I was the 1st person to dip into the PB&J. We spent about 7 minutes there.

From there we headed out on a big loop: Glenwood, 118th, Creviston, Elgin-Clifton, JM Dickinson & back to the fire station for Rest Stop #2. Lots of people here now, the entire jar of PB is gone & he hands me a 2nd jar, which I'm 1st to dip into. I see a pattern here...

There were bikes of every description leaning into the hedge and in the gardens. I thought it looked pretty cool.

I wish I had a better camera so I could get nicer photos. I see things and just can't capture them with a point & shoot camera but its better than nothing and I do not need another hobby.

These guys in orange were all Pacific Islanders riding together. They were coaching each other, one on one and that was cool. They were all nice too and didn't mind that I totally chicked them on the first hill we all went up. But then they all passed me after that but we were still riding with them for the next 20 miles or so.

At Rest Stop #3, on 144th in Purdy, John found me. Hes in my spin class, sometimes leads it. Extremely nice guy, works in the hospital with Torrey.

From Purdy we went out along Sehmel Drive and had a choice, take the short cut & avoid the hills or take the hills for the longer route. We did the longer route. Out around Kopachuck to Artondale Drive. I used to live out there and LOVE that area. We rode past places I rode my horses and the farm where Bubba lived. Here is the road up to Sarah's house, she was such a good friend.

As we were getting into Gig Harbor I was getting tired and bitchy. I had to get off and walk a few hills. My left knee was in pain and it hurt to pedal. Lan was mad/disappointed with me but I was done.

Right before we got to Rest Stop #4 another rider came alongside Lan & it was Craig Heatherington. They used to be really good friends, rode & worked together for many years. Craig was a FAST rider, we went to Seattle a few times to watch him race. One time he did the Alki Crit & he won at least 1 round. His girlfriend is Emily, they have a nice home in Seattle and Craig is a chef.
While we were at that Rest Stop I got some strawberry shortcake for Emily and me, I made the guys go get their own. I'm glad I got some, it really hit the spot.

After we started out again we went through Gig Harbor and out to Crescent Valley Road. My knee was really hurting now and I was pushing it up every hill. I finally asked Lan what I should do, keep going and risk injury or quit. I asked him to go ahead and get the car and come back for me. I had about 20-ish miles to go at this point.

I rode the flat parts of the road and had to walk the hills. One other lady gave me 1 ibuprofen, that helped a lot (most of it mentally) and they would pass me & then I'd pass them. Her butt was hurting. I could totally relate to that.

I rode & walked about 5 miles when suddenly I heard "Denise, is that you?" and it was Linda and Steve, coming up behind me. I was glad to see them. They stuck with me for the rest of the ride, walking with me when I had to walk and encouraging me to ride on flats. I was able to coast down hills really well and going down into Olalla was all downhill so I blasted it, way fun!

As long as I didn't put too much pressure on my knee I could ride and we finally got to the corner or Mullenix & Orchard, right down the road (hills) from home. I decided I only had 5 miles to go, I might as well finish it so we passed Banner Forest and got onto Sedgwick, the final road back to Southworth.

Then Lan showed up, with just 2 miles to go! I told him I was going to finish and I did.

It took me 9.5 hours. About 30 minutes of that was at Rest Stops, about 1 hour was pushing the bike up hills.

Knowing I had finished 100 miles was important, now I know I can do that. But will my knee hold out? Will my butt hold out? Will I be mentally capable of finishing 140.6 miles?

I was disappointed at the end of the ride, they had packed up and taken away all the strawberry shortcake so no end of ride food. I thought they were supposed to be there until 5:30?? They were gone at 4 when Lan got there and I finished at 4:30.

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