Monday, January 30, 2012

Back in the saddle

How is training going? Good.

Lan and I had a chance for dry weather the other day so we took the tri bikes out for a 1.5 hour ride on the Interurban trail in Kent.

Went 20.5 miles at about 13+ MPH. We had to stop at a lot of cross streets but I'm very disappointed with my time. I felt like we were going much faster than that.

The trail is flat, along the Green River, from Algona Pacific, past Emerald Downs and into Kent. Nice wide paved trail that's perfect. I'm going to make Linda go there with me pretty dang soon so we can haul ass on it.

We had taken the bike to Northwest Tri and Bike in Covington so have it fitted to me better than Lan knows how to do it. It was close but the guy made a few adjustments. Saddle is lower, handlebars are angled up, neck is turned over.

He also suggested we get a new hub with a granny gear, which I currently don't have.

We are seriously thinking about renting race wheels for the Ironman Coeur d'Alene, which I will be taking part in. It costs $150 per wheel but Lan thinks it will cut 20 minutes off my bike time and I'm going to need every minute I can possibly get for the run.

I recently found out that Marilyn will start training at Bremerton YMCA for their Masters classes!!!  I loved taking classes with her at Olympic Masters but it was so expensive, $40 per month plus a yearly fee of up to $150. Yikes! And you have to pay it whether you go or not. Bremerton Masters is $30 per year and I already have the YMCA membership.

I'm be getting up early tomorrow for the Y's boot Camp at 5:30-6:30am, then I'll run for 45 minutes then go to Torreys spin/strength class. I'm going to be beat!   Later in the day I'll get to work for 4 hours.

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