Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Big bad bummer day

How is training going? The pool was closed.

Linda and I went to the Bremerton YMCA tonight for our first Masters swim class but the pool was closed. I guess someone had a little accident...  So we drove all the way out there for nothing. I was bummed because I didn't want to go in the first place but I knew I had to and we had planned on going to that class because we need to learn from better swimmers.

We also need to save money, Marilyns masters classes are excellent but the yearly fees of $130 plus $40 per month are just out of my league. The class tonight has a once yearly fee of $30 plus your monthly YMCA membership, which is already being paid for. And most of the people in the masters class at the Y are in West Sound Tri Club and we want to be really friendly with them because they are going to Ironman CDA too.

Yeah, so both of us were bummed. I could have gone to the Y in Gig Harbor at any time today but didn't because I was waiting for this. SLACKING.

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