Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Saddle to Tri

How is training going? Slow this week.

This is where I was for most of the week, at Fauntleroy dock. They said they needed to lay me off then I got 40 hours this week and almost overtime. I did have a good time and I was able to rest after the Marathon so it wasn't all bad. Plus I got double time for working on the New Years Day holiday.

Lan and I went to several bike & tri stores today looking for a new seat for my bike. Tri & Bike in Covington has a bunch of test saddles & you don't have to pay anything for the testing time. I got a Cobb Flow Max. I need to go on a nice long ride to see how I really like it & to make sure its comfortable before I decide if its right for me or not.

We also checked out the Terry line of saddles.
 and the Adamo saddles. I think I'd like to test out one of these after I bring back the Cobb.

I like how the front is split for comfort and I thought it might be too wide in the seat but it didn't feel so wide when I sat on it.

We took our bikes because we were going to go ride but it got too dark, too fast.

See that 13.1 sticker? I forgot to buy my new one the 26.2 sticker so I still have something I need.

These shoes are not only pretty but would be a good choice for the race. can't justify that price, yet.

This is what I want on the seat of my riding shorts so everyone knows it is me ahead of them.

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