Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back on track

How is training going? Much better.

This week I have done 2 boot camp classes, 1 Pilate's video, 1 spin/strength class & 1 hour of masters swimming. I haven't run at all but On Saturday I'm supposed to run a half marathon so we'll see how that goes. I'm not worried about if I do it or not.

The half marathon is in Seattle and ends at Alki in west Seattle. There are 123 people signed up to do the run, it is a New York Marathon qualifier so I'm guessing its going to be very fast paced. I would be the very last finisher.

Lan has asked me to go on a nice, long bike ride with him tomorrow or Saturday and I think that would be a good thing for me instead of the half marathon.  I haven't been on a nice long ride in too long.  West Sound Triathlon Club has a group of people doing the course of the Chilly Hilly on Bainbridge Island Saturday.  I remember something about this from when I was in high school...

I'll keep you updated, of course.

With all the snow we had and freezing temps, Wifi colicked again. Poor girl, she was down and rolling but not violently. I bought her a heated water bucket so she'll be happier to drink.  I have been making her warm  mashes each night and soaking her hay. Shes not getting as much as before but that's OK since she doesn't need to get all clogged up again.

Look at her main, even in braids its super long. It was in dreads, awful! But while she was sick I spent some quality time with her and got it all groomed up nice then braided it to keep it from redreading.  here she is eating her soaked hay.

And here shes eating her warm mash, alfalfa pellets & Beet pulp.

We have a new boarder in the barn, Chenoa brought her 5 yr old QH mare, Roxy.
The mare has been halter trained but that's it. Shes nice and gentle and very trusting, she loaded into the trailer without balking at all. She hauled quietly and didn't whinny once she got to our barn.

Roxy has been a nice horse so far. Chenoa, on the other hand, is high maintenance. She expects me to give her mare 2 flakes of hay automatically at each feeding, whether she needs it or not. That might make for a lot of waste so instead I've been feeding 3 meals each day, 1 flake per horse per meal. This works well, giving all of them something to do for longer periods of time. Anyway, Chenoa wants all this bullshit done for her horse and I'm not caving in to her demands. If she feeds the horse when shes not supposed to I'll know it and I'll feed less at dinner time. A horse this size doesn't need as much hay as Joey & Patti.

With the snow finally gone I was able to turn Wifi and Sunshower out for a few hours yesterday and Wifi went crazy, as usual. I'm so happy to see her feeling better.

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