Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow sucks

How is training going? Not.

I go to a website called Iamtri and read what people there have to say, its pretty neat. Any question I have I can just search for it and read all the answers everyone else has written. There is a lot of support there.

One lady started Ironman CDA and she lives in Coeur d'Alene and said if anyone wants a guide for the bike course that she will gladly take you for a ride. How cool is that??

I have a half marathon to run in 8 days but I haven't been running, I'm going to suffer on this thing. But there is only a $10 entry fee and the money goes directly to the local food bank.

We now have about 6-8 inches of snow with a 3/4 inch ice crust on top. I can almost walk on top without breaking through. There is absolutely no way to go outside to run, not that I would run alongside a rural road in these conditions. Here is the outside behind the barn yesterday when we only had 4 inches and no ice on top.

I made a warm mash for my horses tonight, Wifi was so impatient she was kicking the walls of her stall. Bad pony. Its alfalfa pellets & oats with some bentonite mixed in for good measure.

Here's the stinker eating it. Right after this she kicked again, flung her head up & around and sent that stuff flying into my face. I love Wifi.

Dave helps me whenever I go to the barn and he likes to help while on my shoulders. We don't do that too often of I wouldn't get any work done.  He likes to ride in the manure cart too, but mostly when there is hay in it & not the manure.

Hagen always goes to the barn with me too but she goes down there is Cassie is cleaning because Cassie gives her carrots. Hagen will do tricks for Cassie, sit up and beg and roll over. She doesn't do tricks for me. Once Hagen saw Cassie coming into the gate so she ran to the gate and rolled over, without begging for a carrot first. Silly dog.

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