Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yukon Do It Race Report

How is training going? I'm a little sore.

Yesterday was my first full marathon,
Yukon Do It
in Port Orchard.
This was the 2nd annual Yukon Do It.
Here is the medal, its the largest one I've ever received.

Tony Seabolt at the beginning of the race

Ready, set, GO!

The temperature at the beginning of the race was 31* so I wore layers. It was a perfect combination as I wasn't too cold nor too warm.
We started at the local high school because there is tons of parking there, ended at a strip mall down the hill about 4 blocks so the race had a negative elevation gain.

Barbara, someone I don't know, Linda & Barbs 2 daughters

This section of the road was solid ice, people were peeling off to the sides and several people fell. You can see the first runners at the top of the hill. They were the half marathon runners and they were hauling ass.

There I am in the yellow jacket. this is just past the 1st turn around at about mile 6.5, out at Manchester State Park.

I like this part of the road, the trees grow completely over the road and its nice and quiet in there.

about mile 7. I removed the neck buff and the gray shirt and gave Lan my gloves and hood.

About mile 9. My left hip flexor was really starting to be a pain but I ran through it. The guy behind me was with me throughout the entire race, he and another guy would run past me then walk, run past, walk. For 3/4 of their half marathon. They called me their pace bunny.

My first split was 2:34 and I was seriously considering quitting but I wanted that marathon off my bucket list SO BAD!!!

This camel and another one were at the 1st & 3rd turn around area. They live here.

I passed them 4 times. At this point I was at about 18 miles and still felt good. I hadn't walked more than at aid stations for water and I did drink at each one. if they offered electrolytes I drank them. I was also feeling a little dehydrated here so I drank more than at the previous aid stations.

I stopped at this aid station for over 5 minutes because Lan, Linda & Steve were all there so I was chatting. Linda walked back up the hill with me.
Lan had to make sure to give the camels treats and the camel tried to eat the camera.

Then suddenly I was finished.
But in between I had to walk a couple times, just for about 100 yards. Linda and Steve stopped a few times to offer moral support and water. Linda walked a lot of it with me as I drank water.

My watch said 5:42:28.

I felt better at the end of this marathon than I did at the end of my first half marathon.
Here's Linda and Steve with me.

Here's my husband, Lan. It was our anniversary.

I love you Lan!

He said the race was Yukon Do It and
"Yukon DID It!"

On the way home...
I had a lot of dried sweat on me but not as bad as previous races. I'm eating better.

And the surprise injury, both of my 2nd toes had blisters.
Next time I'll try using anti-chafing stuff on them.

The sun was out almost all day, the temperature got up to about 43* or so, warm enough to run very comfortably but not too warm. I was encouraged to keep running, that's for sure.

The weather report had called for rain but we were lucky and had a beautiful day instead.

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