Monday, January 9, 2012

Good swim workout today

How is training going? I had a good swim workout.

Linda and I went to the Silverdale Y to swim. We knew we had to swim 26 laps with warm up, drills, swim & cool down so we did it all. Drills need to be more serious but at least I got my butt to the gym and into the water.  We did all 26 laps in 1:13:00 which for even me isn't bad, considering we chatted between every single lap.

Then I was supposed to run 45 minutes but the dang high school kids got there and were running backward on the track, chasing each other. Annoying, irritating, stupid kids. I'll go earlier next time.

Linda needs to stop running so she can save her knees for Ironman. She can run once in a while for short distances and do more spin or actually getting her butt onto her bike and riding it. This is all my opinion.

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