Sunday, January 8, 2012

Nice sunny day for a ride

How is training going? Very good.

Lan and I went for a ride on the Felt bikes today. The temps were in the high 40's and it was sunny all day long so we couldn't stay indoors and do house stuff.

Here's Lan, we're about 2 miles in to the ride and he had to adjust his seat. I am using a TEST seat, a Cobb Flow, to see how I like it. Its way better than my own old seat but I'm not 100% that this is the seat for me. We'll ride a couple more times and see how it fits & how I feel then we'll go exchange it for another one. I can't ride well with parts going numb.

Lans riding on peacock Hill Blvd. We were still in Kitsap county at this point so there wasn't much of a shoulder but Pierce County had nice ones.

We stopped by to see Linda in action. She got a job as sign spinner for those new houses in the back ground.

Here is the  man I love, who loves me back. Lan is awesome.

And me. I had a good time on our ride.

We went a total of 18 miles and I was good with that, we had planned on going farther but Lan thought we should turn back so we don't overdo it on new bikes we're not used to. Good idea. I got home in time to clean my barn and ride Sunshower.

Yes, I actually saddled up my mare and rode her in the arena for about 15 minutes. We did a little walking & then a nice slow (almost a walk) trot. Perfect. I miss riding my horses.

After June 25th I'm going to be riding my horses a whole lot more than I will up until that point.

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