Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Work gets in the way

How is training going? I feel so alone.

I went to Gig Harbor YMCA on Tuesday, yesterday, and did a 3 hour workout. Boot camp 5:30-6:30am, part of a spin class until 7:00, then spinned until Torrey got there for our regular spin/strength class. I was wore out by the time I got into the locker room to go home and there's Linda.

I had completely forgotten that she was going to go there to work out with me but I was just too tired. I feel bad that I abandoned her but I needed to go home for a nap before work.

Abby and I have been trying to go to Boot Camp every Tuesday and Thursday & as long as I'm there I might as well stay for Torreys class and since there is 45 minutes of useful time, I might as well be working out. Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can get onto the Jacobs Ladder and see how long I can do that. Or run, I haven't run in tooooo long.

A guy at work was fired so I've been working a lot of 4 hour shifts but it takes another 3 hours to commute so I'm running out of time most days. I can't make it to masters swim at Bremerton in time and its still way to dark to ride or run outside.

Wifi has been feeling better and today I put her and Sunshower out in the arena all day. They can go again tomorrow for a while, then Joey and Handy for the rest of the day. The new horse, Roxy, has a crappy owner who hasn't been out to clean the stall or run since at least Sunday and she hasn't turned her out either. Poor horse, to be 'saved' from one horrible owner just to land with a fucking idiot.

I'm going to start a FaceBook page/group for local barn owners/managers so we can not only share info on good hay and or clinics, but to warn each other about potential bad boarders, or their horses.

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