Thursday, February 9, 2012

If things would just go right

How is training going? In bursts.

I haven't done much this week and I haven't run for way too long. I missed Torreys class and boot camp this morning.

Work has me scheduled 6 days per week and I can see this for the next 2 weeks, then it will drop off. Too bad all I'm getting are 4 hour shifts.

Brandan has been sick and forgot to take his medication for 2 days so last night after I got home at 2am and fell asleep at 3, he woke up with low blood sugar at 4am, went rambling through the house knocking into stuff, bashed into the fridge sending magnets and stuff flying. I came out of my room and scared the shit out of him, making him fall onto his back kicking and screaming. Got him sitting up & hand fed him till he was able to feed himself, made him a sandwich. he went back to bed & had 2 seizures within the next 3 hours, 2 more later in the morning.

Don't get me wrong, I love him and feel so bad that hes been dealt such a sucky hand in life. But he needs to take some interest in his own care since I can't always be here.

How am I supposed to get any exercise when my sleep is so messed up? My entire day has been wasted and I feel like crap.

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