Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pretty damn scarey

How is training going? Um, training?

My son had a heart attack.

As this photo was taken, he was having a small heart attack.

Hes been diabetic for 23 yeas, hes 32 now. Early last week he forgot to take his meds for 2 days, causing him to have 4 seizures in 1 day. Which made him forget to take his insulin, which hes never forgotten to take before. Then he got the flu, so he was puking & couldn't eat.

I had to work that night but caught the 11:40 boat home (Thanks Captain John!) and within 10 minutes of being home we were on our way to the hospital, arriving at 1:17am on Saturday.

There they checked his blood sugar & it was 949, which is the highest its ever been, ever. his blood pressure was low, 75/35. He has a little pain in his shoulder. The doctor did an EKG and found his cardio all over the place, not good at all.

So they gave him 8 liters of fluids within the first hour, an insulin drip and gave him some morphine. He was taken to Critical Care and at 6am Lan and I headed home for some sleep.

Lan and I were really scared. Brandan didn't know much about where he was or anything, he didn't have any idea what had happened and on his 1st day there he had a temper tantrum. But I figured out that they had given him morphine for pain and he was high. He thought they had an IV that was draining his blood.
Now hes telling me that they DID have an IV hooked up wrong and it WAS draining his blood. I'm sure the hospital is NOT going to tell me the same thing.

Over the next 5 days he steadily improved. We brought him home Thursday evening and hes doing great now.

But on Thursday, as we were leaving to go get him, I opened a letter from the state and they informed us that Brandan is better and he can get a job and will no longer be receiving state assistance for his disability. Great. I'm pretty sure that hospital visit isn't going to be cheap, neither are any of his new meds.

But hes alive and that's the important thing.

So I haven't gotten a lot of exercise this last week, add that to the previous week and Im so out of shape its silly. And I'm going to do an Ironman in 4 months? LOL!

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