Friday, February 24, 2012

A run

How is training going? Fine.

I got in a 1 mile run this morning. That's it, just 1 mile. But it felt good and I didn't die, my toe didn't hurt and I got home in good shape.

Yesterday a State Patrolman was killer about 10 miles from my home and the cop killer lived just 1/3 mile from my home. I came home from the gym with sheriffs, staters, SWAT, etc all over the road. One of the SWAT guys had a big black SUV and was wielding a big ass rifle. The killer shot himself in the head and later died in the hospital, saving our state millions of dollars on a trial.

But yesterday before all the excitement I got another 30 miles in spin class, after Boot Camp and before Torreys strength portion of her class. I felt good too.  Too bad I had to take Brandan to the doctor and go to social security or I'd have gotten out on my real bike for a nice hilly ride before work.

Its supposed to rain and snow for the next few days and I'm scheduled to work. Late Saturday night, early Sunday morning. Its absolutely going to suck. I'll be cold and wet and NOT HAPPY.  Its going to really mess up my training.

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