Sunday, August 28, 2016

Playing It Smart

I didn't run today in the Iron Horse Half Marathon, feet were much to sore but I did start stretching exercises Lan showed me and they already feel better. I sit with my back up against a wall with my legs straight out in front of me, then I use my shin & foot muscles to pull my toes toward my torso and hold for at least 20 seconds. I can't do it very well, Just having my feet stand at a 90 degree angle is painful but the more I do it the better they will feel and the faster they will let me run on them.

The people who do todays half marathon also do another one at the end of September in Alki Beach and it was suggested to me that I ask if I can switch to that one. We'll see. It is still I n the 90 day time mark for half fanatics.

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