Friday, August 5, 2016

Long Run Interupted, by Death

Yesterday I lost my cat, Dave.
He went out to the road and met disaster.

Dave was my snuggler for the last 7 years, he loved to be carried and played with.

He also liked to help do chores. Here, he helped seal with skylights in the old barn.

When I fed horses he liked to go with me into the pastures.

Dave especially LOVED to ride on the hay.

Ah, there he is as a kitten.
I miss my boy with so much of my heart.

Here he is with his sister, Precious. She also got hit by a car, when she was only about 1 year old.

The plight of a farm cat.
We can't keep them indoors.
Here is his final resting spot.
Lan dug the hole when he got home, Dave was placed on a flake of hay that he loved so much, inside the grave. His buddies, Hagen and Tank were placed inside with him so they can all play in heaven together again.
I love my pets so much and miss these ones enough to make my heart hurt.

I loved you, Dave.

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