Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It Felt Great

I got out of bed at 7am and immediately dressed to run. I had to be at work at 10:45, I had to leave 40 minutes before then to get there on time, allowing time for any freeway work and to drop off our voter thingys.
I wanted to run about 5-5.5 miles so planned to do that, go out to Pine road & Madrona and back home. What I forgot about was the hills on those roads. Lakeway is pretty steep up and Oak, Pine and Spruce would all be almost as steep going down. So I had to walk up Lakeway and go slow down Oak. I didn't make I t to Pine, I was going to slow up the hill to have time to go the extra mile.
But it was a good run. I did 5.1 miles in 1:04 and I'm totally happy with that. I felt good toward the end, not dying, and didn't have to walk too much. I think I'll be able to run at least half the Iron Horse half marathon (all downhill) now and be OK with it.

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