Monday, August 1, 2016


This is Argo
A beautiful Friesian mare who foaled her 2nd foal 3 weeks ago and suddenly, Argo got sick and had to be put down. Argo was the same age as my Wifi, they were pasture mates when Wifi was weaned and they spent a lot of other time together. I am heart broken for her owner.
Her new filly will be raised by a 29 year old nurse mare now.
These are our horses, freaking out because they noticed a big hay bale up on the hill in the back pasture. They spent 10 minutes running around, snorting and freaking out over it.

Tonight they were all given dewormer, groomed and fly sprayed. All of them look pretty good, except mine are too fat and Roses is too skinny.
Joey had a sarcoid on the back of his rear leg and there might be another one beginning to grow on his barrel. That one is on his side and right where a cinch would go so if it is one, he is definitely retired.
I want to ride my horses again. I miss riding Wifi. I miss riding Sunshower. I miss riding Joey.

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