Friday, July 3, 2015

IMCDA 2015

I had two real live friends that I know and love and some facebook friends that I've never met do Ironman Coeur d'Alene last weekend. It was blazing hot, reports of up to 107* in some places, the asphalt was 140* and blistering feet out on the bike course, burning through the cycling shoes as they rode.

I felt for sure Windy would finish but she wasn't able to, the heat was too much and she was smart enough to stop before she got injured, at mile 82 of the bike. Connie stopped at mile 80 but she had that planned.

Steve did finish, at 10:48pm, with just barely 12 minutes to spare. 16:48:40

Jim did not finish, Vicki did. Jim reported that at a couple of the bike aid stations there was no water and ice. That is unacceptable. Ironman knew WEEKS ahead of time that it was going to be hot, unreasonably and unusually hot. There is no acceptable reason for them to have no water and ice for all these athletes who paid so much money to be put through this.

I've been at several half marathons where they ran out of water or cups but it wasn't nearly this hot and it wasn't a full distance Ironman.

Vicki had blisters from her cycling shoes so she hobbled the entire marathon with them, just like I did (but mine weren't from the heat).

Ironman isn't about being easy, there are supposed to be challenges and heat is just one, others being cold water, high winds, steep hills and anything else you can imagine. You know, train and plan for this but if your body cant do it then it cant do it.  I feel bad for every single person who DNF'd.

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