Monday, July 13, 2015

See Jane Run Half Marathon

I had high hopes to PR on this race, its mostly flat and the weather was expected to be perfect.

I had been told about the bottle necks at the out & backs but I wasn't prepared for parts where only 2 people could squeeze through IF they were going in the same direction so I had to slow down for a couple places like that.

Things were going great until I got to about mile 8 when my stomach started to feel icky. Used porta potty, barely went. Continued on but didn't feel better. Knew I needed to poop but even when I used next porta potty things weren't happening. Had to walk to keep discomfort level down. That was when I realized I forgot my Ninja Moves aka Ginger. I had planned on testing it out at a race and yesterday would have been perfect.

And I forgot my GPS so I didn't know my pace. I can't believe how fast I became dependent on a watch. I asked one lady her pace at mile 6, she said 12 something but I felt like I had been going faster than that. Then at mile 9 I asked another lady and she said 10:49 and that felt closer, even with the walking.

At mile 10 I started to speed it up, so I'd be done faster and could stop sooner but at mile 11
right in front of me. She was running toward me, I heard a snap and she went down, I turned to assist and she had rolled onto her back, holding her leg and
even though there was no bone sticking out IT WAS BROKEN above the ankle, similar to this photo.
I realized in nanoseconds that it was beyond me so I yelled out 'Somebody call 911', people were converging on her, another girl was already calling 911 so I continued on to the turn around. It really freaked me out, I had to walk. What if I break my leg like that? She didn't trip, I thoroughly checked out the ground and there wasn't anything to trip over.

So anyway, my finish time was 2:39:15 and I had hoped to beat 2:24. Oh well, not all races go as planned and this was just another training day.

I was 40/66 in my age group, 542/767 total finishers, my pace was 12:10. I'm good with that.

At the end they gave us a great lunch and champagne and we got to keep our glasses.

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