Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Bike, Run, Bike

Lately I have been getting up early to start my days. After Lan gets ready for work but before he leaves, I am out of bed and ready to get going. Usually I just get dressed in my workout clothes because I have to do that first, no reason to change later.
Today I rode out at 7:30am and met Linda over at Banner Forest for a trail run.
It was a good warm up to ride first, leaving home was chilly but not cold at all. Its 6.6 miles to the parking area.
I'm getting pretty tan on my face, arms & mid thighs down to my ankles.
Once there, I stashed my bike in her van and we ran trails for 40 minutes, went about 2.73 miles. Look how dusty my legs got and my feet inside my shoes and socks weren't any cleaner.

After the run I continued my ride, went another 12 miles. Along the way I found a passport, some dude from Dominican Republic. There was an old Chevy pickup truck there & I'm sure it was his so I left it under his wiper blade.
After I got home I painted the bathroom and ironed a patch into my wetsuit.
Horsey News:
Lan suggested switching out horses so probably tomorrow Joey and Reign will come to the front pasture and the girls will go into the back pasture. We'll see how that works out for them.

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