Saturday, July 4, 2015

My Own Ironman Training

Yesterday I put the 1000th mile on my tri bike since January when I started this ironman training.
It was 7:51am and I was just down the road from home and beginning my hour long ride around our block.
Many of these miles were done on the bike trainer and when I was just starting I'd only get 10-12 miles per hour of riding. Now I'l going outside and usually average 14-ish but its hilly around here so I'm OK with that. On the flats my average is a LOT higher.
I've been working on riding into the head winds as much as I can, its usually windy in Arizona and I don't want to be the one person who says I wasn't expecting winds. Duh! You're supposed to know your course.
You need to check out the elevation and know what its going to be like so there are no surprises. This might scare some people but its only 400 feet up over 19 miles and 300 of that over about 5 miles. Its not terribly steep.
But the winds can be pretty tough, last year there were 30-50 wind gusts. not only was it beating up the riders but it was also blowing tumble weeds into the road, causing a reported 600 flats.
The run is like this
I don't think its going to kill me either.

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