Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Triathlon has given me many things

I'm going into my 5th year of triathlon, before that I didn't even know what one was.  But since then I've gained so much, mostly due to triathlon.

new friends
time with Lan doing what he loves
learned to swim
learned about my body
sporting magazines

I could go on and on. But the most important thing is that I have met so many wonderful people. The Kitsap TriBabes are great & it feels good to ride with them, they think I'm something special but I just like to see them try hard.

West Sound Tri Club has a lot of members that I can call friends. They are also the ones who have taught me the most about swimming and lead the Masters swimming at Bremerton YMCA and Triday Friday. There are a lot of them that do a lot of Ironmans.

I have a couple new friends this year that I'm really liking, Windy, that drove me crazy for a long time, until I got to know her. And Heidi, who thinks I can do no wrong. I like both of them a lot.

I can now read a magazine and know so much about the sport, then I go thru the same magazine & check out all the ads for things I'd love to have.

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