Sunday, March 3, 2013

Run Every Day In March

On Face book they have the Run Every Day in March challenge, so I signed up. All you have to do is run 1 mile, every day. That's from my house out to the end of the road & back, not a big deal.

Not a big deal I say now...

So far I did 3.74, 1 & 4.5. Its going to add up fast. As long as I keep it up.

Here is a picture of me today:

Work this week has already interfered with my training; 38 hours of work will be a nice paycheck but I only rode 24 miles on the bike. They were mostly fucked up hours too, midnight - 4am BS. Yesterday I showed up at 2:10pm & found out I wasn't supposed to be there until 3:10 but only because they had changed the schedule and neglected to tell me. At least I was early and not late. But still.

This weekend I had 2 selling shifts so its more pay and easy work but heck, any of the work there is pretty damn easy. Next Friday, on Lans 46th birthday, I'll work midnight to 9am, gonna KILL me.

Yesterday was the ending party of the YMCA weight loss challenge, we weren't able to attend but I guess Lan & I won a prize and got an honorable mention or something. That's great, too bad we missed it. Lans final weight loss was 12 lbs, mine was 4. And I've gained 2 back but that doesn't surprise me at all.

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