Sunday, March 17, 2013

My first 100 mile week, so far

Every week I post my workout distance totals on FaceBook for the world to see. Or as much of 59 people is the world. This week I had:

Weekly totals:
Swim: 3400 yards (1.93 miles)
Bike: 86.1 miles
Run: 11.91 miles
Total distance: 99.94
Time: 13:55 hours
An average speed of 7.19 miles per hour.
This has been my biggest week, by far and I feel pretty good.  Tomorrow I'll start a new week and I hope I do at least as well.
A lot of it depends on work, if they give me a midnight shift I'm pretty much toast the next day and even though I had one Thursday I just changed my  workout days off & did that workout Friday. That doesn't always work and if I'm tired it sucks.
Walking on Beach Drive with Linda
This week I did Masters on Monday, swam with Heidi & Lindy on Wednesday, rode mtn bikes with Lan on Friday and walked with Linda today.  I'm also doing a lot of indoor bike trainer rides with Lan and of course, doing a LOT of stuff alone.  I'm also doing the run a mile every day in March challenge and have only missed 2 days all month, Wednesday & Thursday, due to work. But I still got in a few miles done.  I consider all walked miles as RUN miles since in Ironman they call it a run no matter what.
Lan and I have been thinking and talking about taking a Vegas vacation at the end of April/beginning May. I hope we can swing it, we both need some sunshine and we also both need to be riding our bikes in the desert. I am crossing my fingers and I'll find out later this week if I can have the time off or not and so will he. The week mentioned is the ONLY week that late in the spring that I could possibly get off.  Fingers crossed. XXXXXX
Horse News:
Today I had 2 new people decide to move into our barn, one girl has a TB gelding and the other has a marish Arab mare. It will be a nice $500 each month for hay, yay.  The TB needs a lot of supplement's, I hope that's not going to be a pain in the ass.
Wifi is shedding out nicely, not quite white yet this year.
Amy's Freisian mare, Argo, has a filly 2 days ago. Argo is the same age as Wifi.

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