Sunday, March 31, 2013


Joined a club ride yesterday out of the Silverdale YMCA with WSTC. All the fast people were gone in minutes, slower people left behind. But they left early so I didn't get in the group photo, I didn't see a map & didn't get any contact phone numbers for anyone. And the fuckers left me behind. I missed a turn somewhere.
After I figured it out I turned around and headed back to the Y. I was PISSED OFF. At Lan a little but he wouldn't have done it on purpose, he never has before.  But the whole group was fucked up. I never did see the slow people again either.
Posted on the FB page and complained about it and one of the bitches who passed me & never looked back was Deb Campbell & that bitch made it sound like I was at fault. Fucking bitch. She passed me at mile 2 but said she brought up the rear the entire time. FUCK YOU WRINKLY OLD BITCH.
After I turned around I got a call to come in to work so returned to Y & drove home, i was so pissed off I was shaking mad. I didn't care that Lan would have to ride home.
and fucking Linda gave him a ride home after I explicitly told her not to give him a ride under any circumstances. Bitch. Im done being friends with her.
Boss wanted me to do 2-midnight but he covered that and I got midnight-4am instead.
I had time to cool off after I got home, got some texts from a few people. I wasn't mad at Lan any more by the time he got home and we talked about the ride. He said they were all fucked up, no one knew the route, they had them going way out to Agate Passage. He said they had several meet up points but NONE of the people were at any of them. Different people told him I was with a group of people but he never did find them & of course I wasn't with them. I was alone, probably home by then.
Im never joining a group with those people again. Fuckers.
I hope Deb Campbell gets hit by a fucking car.

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