Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Riding outside so much

These last 2 weeks it's been pretty darn nice outside so I've been riding out there and LOVING it.

On Monday I had my 2nd annual Practice Half Ironman and I did pretty dang good. Swam 1.2 miles at Bremerton pool in 58:59, right where I wanted to be and then I rode my bike 56 miles in 4:05:52.
This is planned not for speed necessarily but to guage how I'll feel mostly and I planned a 90 minute T1, enough time to get changed and drive home.

Bike split times were excellent:   ( the seconds were for slowing down & getting stopped)
28 miles, half way:  2:00:14

42 miles, 3/4 the distance:  3:00:15

56 miles, completed: 4:05:52

I was really hoping I'd get this done in 4 hours and I did it. I wasn't home at the end, I still had to go another 1.5 miles to get there but I didn't come up short, either.

My mental toughness has something to be desired. At the 3/4 mark I called Lan to let him know where I was and my timing & he said he might ride out to meet me. So right about mile 48, out on Sunnyslope road, I was so tired, I knew if he was coming it should be any time now and I was feeling a bit low. I almost started crying. But its hard to ride when you're crying and I knew I only had a short way to go. But I really needed to see him, you kow, that moral support.

So I kept going and right around the very next corner, there he was. I was so glad to see him! Then I did cry!  And I was bonking, just needed a boost. So he rode with me for the rest of the ride, he listened to me cry once more and he was there when I finished. And even with the bawling I felt good to be done.

Yesterday I rode with Windy on hill repeats for 1:30 and that was another good ride. Shes only training for a half IM but shes going at it harder than I am. She can't run either so we're in the same boat.

I'm not able to run right now, my Achilles tendons are sore and I'm scared of hurting them but I am swimming and biking.

I have a long way to go before IM CDA but once again, I'm getting there.  Training comes 1st.

When I know I've got to work I plan around it, if I'm not sure about work I'll plan workouts 1st thing in the morning. Usually after 12:00 I know if they are going to need me or not but hopefully by then I'm done with my ride or swim or whatever I'm doing.

Today is cross training, cleaning stalls at the big barn with Amy.

Horse news:

New horse in the barn, Sneakers. 16.2hh TB gelding, 3 white socks and a blaze, very striking. Until you see him up close; hes got a Roman nose and the shape of his head isn't that desirable. But maybe I'm just used to Joey.

Wifi is white again, so pretty.

 Shes also shedding it pretty fast and with the warmer days (60's) she gets sweaty fast. And shes a stinker, I really need to work with her.

Other news:
WE'RE GOING TO LAS VEGAS!!!  Late April, early May. Might have time to stop in & see Jeff & Hitomi.

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