Monday, April 8, 2013

swimming today

The sunshine was coming through the windows into the pool today, making the bubbles very pretty. They were this awesome neon blue.

So I lifted my head a bit and even though that's wrong, I swam a few laps just watching the bubbles because it was interesting and fun. It definitely made the laps go faster. Maybe not swimming faster but the time seemed to go faster.

I haven't been running due to weirdness in my Achilles Tendons but after the hike Lan & I had yesterday I'm feeling pretty good again. We went up Mt Rose, a 2250 ft elevation gain in 1.8 miles. The first mile isn't so bad but the last .8 was straight up. Wicked up. It took us 1.5 hours to get up and another 1.5 to come down & today my legs are reminding me about it. If I were to stand up and walk right now it would hurt.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

In horses news:
The new horse, Sneakers, is a typical TB. He kicks the walls when he gets his grain so I had to have a talk with him about that. More   like, I yelled at him, surprised the crap outta him. I'm OK with that.

Cassie tried her saddle on Handy and we discovered something weird: the saddle is crooked. Tight on the left side of the horses, loose on the right. Weird. I told her she needs to sell it to someone she doesn't know.

We're having a BIG ASS BARN SALE on April 20th and I hope she can sell it then. I have 2-3 saddles to sell & a bunch of other stuff, Page has a saddle to sell... Every time I look in a cupboard in the house I'm seeing things that need to go. Anything I take down to the BIG ASS BARN SALE is not coming back into the house.

There is a new horse coming into the barn next weekend, a 6 yr old TB gelding. Katie was supposed to bring her mare last week with Sneakers but she colicked & was put down. As Amy said, thank god she didn't die at my place.

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