Monday, April 22, 2013

Riding with new people

Today I rode bikes with a lady I'd never met before even though shes been a TriBabe for as long as I have. Her name is Janet.
Last year she did the STP in 2 days, it was hard for her but she did it. Yay for her.
Today we met at Starbucks and rode around the neighborhoods there. There was a lot of traffic and I wasn't so happy with that but what the heck, I got out into the sunshine.
But I'll try to avoid riding with new people for a long time. First of all, she parked in the small parking area of a busy coffee shop even though she could have parked 100 feet away in a much larger area and not taken a spot that could have been used by 5 people in the time we were there. Also, she could have ridden her bike there, like I did. We're practically neighbors.
Second of all, she didn't want to leave the neighborhoods. There were so many cars zooming by and people all over the place. She might be safe but I feel safer out in the rural areas.
Third, she was SLOW. I don't know how she could possibly have finished STP in only 2 days, she didn't get over 10mph today. I was going so slow and just pulled away from her, had to go back.
I'm a bike snob.

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