Monday, May 13, 2013

Is it obvious I've been busy?

Its been 3 weeks since I posted. In that time I crashed my bike, Lan & I went to Las Vegas, and I've been working.

Linda and I had planned on attempting 100 miles so rode out to Fox Island. We didn't realize it was SO HILLY. Took us about 5 hours & we only went 40 miles. Then we were heading home & I CRASHED MY TRI BIKE. The bike is fine but I had a HUGE ass bruise on my hip/thigh that hurt like a mother. Of course, it was just days before we went to Vegas so I had to go to the pool with that fucker on my leg.

In Vegas we got in 3 excellent rides in the desert. 19 miles the first day in the 99* heat and 6+ miles the next 2 days, one where it was 98* and then it cooled down to 78* for the third ride. So much fun & only 1 round of tears.

I went shopping while down there, got some nice bib shorts that I can pull down to pee without removing my jersey. Also got a new Las Vegas jersey and compression socks and calf sleeves. The socks ROCK for traveling, my legs & feet felt great when we got home.

After we left Vegas we stopped by Jeffs house where we attempted a mtn bike ride but gave up after .5 mile of 6-8 inch deep loose sand. But fun!

Here are this weeks workout totals (I tweaked my back on a ride this week)
This does not include The last 2 days of riding which were low miles/high hours.This does not include The last 2 days of riding which were low miles/high hours.This does not include The last 2 days of riding which were low miles/high hours.

Totals for May 6-12.
Swim: 5190 yards (2.94 miles)
Bike: 102.96 miles
Run: 6.25 miles
Total miles: 112.15
Total time: 14:45

Two lake swims worked out well for me. This photo was taken yesterday at Wildcat Lake, we all swam .94 mile, out to the 'white bucket dock'. Since I've just discovered its only .94 mile, I'm going to go past it next time. Which could be tomorrow...
Yellow cap in back-Lan
Yellow on left-me
green cap by noodle- Steve
Green cap in middle-Lindy
Pink cap on right-Windy

And work, ah, work. I do love my dock but I don't like working when it interferes with my working out. Since I'm low man on the seniority list for our dock, I get all the crappy shifts. I'm not (yet) on tomorrows schedule but if they call I have to drop whatever I'm doing and get my ass there. I'll have Tuesday & Wednesday off but they WANT me to work those days and on Thursday I get  the 4:10am-2:10pm shift. I tried to figure out a way to get out of it but only if I give up something else, like, my 2:30 Wednesday massage. Not gonna happen.
This is the ferry, Kitsap, tied up in slip 2 for the night and Walla Walla coming in at 1:40am to tie up in slip 1. When working night Watch (midnight - 4am shift) I have to set the auto bridge close to the height so the boat can slip under it without it being to high or too low. Then I run upstairs and lower the plank for the walking off passengers. That's where I was when I took this photo. The  Walla Walla can hold about 188 cars if they are parked very close together and the Kitsap can hold about 160.

Horsey news:
I haven't even been into the barn except to feed horses for most of this week. So dang busy! Only a couple more months and I'll have time for my ponies.

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