Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hell Repeats, as Windy calls them

This morning I got up and ran before breakfast. Actually, I skipped breakfast all together because I read somewhere that you lose more weight if you do a workout on an empty stomach. So I fed the horses, messed around on FB for an hour or more & then ran.

I was feeling pretty good here, 1/4 mile into the beginning, lol.

My hilly run route today
I ran to some hills a couple miles from home & walked up & down them repeatedly.

 From home I ran to Jacon Lane where it T's at Stonehill Road. I ran to this point, turned left & took this photo.
Then I walked up the hill & took this photo.
Then I walked back down & took this photo of the hill on the right & proceeded to walk up it.

Then I walked back down to the bottom.

I walked up & down hill 1 four more times in less than half hour. 

Total hills was 2.5 miles, 700 feet of elevation gain.

Total run/walk distance was 6.39 miles & total time was 1:43:37.

I'm good with that.

I wore compression sleeves on my calves to see how I like them, at first they felt HOT, even though it was very chilly outside. And of course, tight. They have been on me for a couple hours now & I don't know yet how I like them.

I do know my knees hurt.

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